
Reservation槍沢ロッヂ 宿泊予約

トップページ > 山小屋のご案内 > 宿泊予約 > 槍沢ロッヂ 宿泊予約

槍沢ロッヂ 宿泊予約

ご予約の方は注意事項をご確認ください。残雪期ですので充分な装備と慎重なご判断をお願いします。Please read this page before proceeding to your booking. Now equipment for snowy mountains and sufficient experience are required.예약하기 이 페이지를 전에  읽어주세요. 이제는 설산을 위한 장비와 충분한 경험이 필요합니다.

大部屋/ Dormitory-style room/ 단체실




The basic stay offers a large dormitory-style room.
Guests will be assigned to their rooms in order of arrival of the day.

  • 表示期間外です。
  • 表示期間外です。

個室/ Private rooms/ 개인실




For private rooms, you will be charged an extra fee on top of the basic accommodation fee.

1~3名様用/ For 1-3 guests 宿泊料金+個室料12,000円Basic accommodation fee + private room fee of ¥12,000
  • 表示期間外です。
  • 表示期間外です。